Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the most intelligent of the bunch

Yes, number 6 is finished. Here comes the story again.

Barbabientje is orange and it is intellectually.
She is always with her nose in books and knows a lot. She is sometimes a little pedantic. Barbabientje makes a lot of arguing with Barba Borre, because they both be the boss. It is not easy to handle and quick on her peeved, but she has a sense of humor

Number 7 is already on the needles and who will it be.

Will be continued


  1. Nou,je schiet al lekker ok meid.
    Ze zijn erg leif.
    Vroeger keek ik ook altijd naar Barbapapa voor het slapen gaan. Hihihi
    Groetjes Melissa

  2. Nou als je moeite met slapen hebt dan kijk je hier maar naar de plaatjes haha
